Keith Wood - Dance Workshops
See the programs for 2013,
2014, 2015,
2016, 2017,
2018, 2019,
2020, 2021,
2022, 2023,
and the current year.
The schedule for 2024 was:
Date | Details |
February 18 |
Contra - Inga Morton
Contra dances by Inga Morton.
- Look at Both Sides
- Thanks to Ada
- All of a Sudden
- Danish Pastry
- Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
- The Ladies' Strain
- Looking Up
- Equinoctial Contra
- Did You See the Saw?
- Emergency Jig
- A Burr in the Fur
- Radio Reel
March 17 |
My dances
A selection of dances I have written, in English and Contra styles.
April 21 |
Contra - Colours
Contra dances with colour titles.
- Gold Rush - Don Flaherty
- The Green Rabbit - Allan Brozek
- Orange You Glad - Sarah Kaiser
- Red White Blue - Don Flaherty
- Black Bird in the Night - Don Flaherty
- Cousin Sally Brown - Tom Hinds
- On the Red Line - Jean Gorrindo
- Silver Linings - Jim Hemphill
- Blue River - Adam Carlson
- Sharon of the Green - Bob Green and Jane Ewing
- Yellow Shirt Bike Ride - Don Flaherty
- The Golden Goose - John Coffman
- Blue Jig - Ridge Kennedy
May 26 |
English Country
Dances from the era of Jane Austen (or in that style).
- Candles in the Dark - Lorette Holz
- Shawberry Delight - Christine Robb
- Angels Unawares - Graham Christian
- A Girl's Best Friend - Fried de Metz Herman
- Sapphire Sea - Christine Robb
- The Spirograph - Arthur Kingsland
- Mr Beveridge's Maggot - Colin Hume interpretation
- The Bride - Colin Hume
- Alice - Phillip Callens
- Good Humour - Colin Hume
- Jesmond Roundabout - Arthur Kingsland
June 16 |
Contra - Rerun
A rerun of the best of the previous two Contra sessions.
- Look at Both Sides - Inga Morton
- All of a Sudden - Inga Morton
- Gold Rush - Don Flaherty
- Orange You Glad - Sarah Kaiser
- Black Bird in the Night - Don Flaherty
- Silver Linings - Jim Hemphill
- Looking Up - Inga Morton
- Emergency Jig - Inga Morton
- Blue River - Adam Carlson
- Sharon of the Green - Bob Green and Jane Ewing
- Yellow Shirt Bike Ride - Don Flaherty
- Thanks to Ada - Inga Morton
- Blue Jig - Ridge Kennedy
July 21 (#100!) |
Contra - Linda Leslie
Contra dances written by Linda Leslie.
- Jed's Heartbeat
- Autumn Leaves
- Friends Forever
- Celebrating 70
- New England Sweethearts
- Panda Bear
- Mystic Becket
- Trip to Mansfield
- Tribuite to a Dance
- Cape Cod Halloween
- Rehoboth's Shining Star
- Berlin Contra
- Old Time Elixir #2
August 18 |
My dances
A selection of dances I have written, in Australian, English, Contra, and other styles.
September 15 |
Contra - Flowers
Contra dances with flower titles.
- The Flowers of April - Gene Hubert
- Rose and Thistle - Gene Hubert
- Mistletoe - Don Flaherty
- Lavender and Lilac - John Coffman
- Hearts and Flowers - Ted Sanella
- Joyous Rose - Jacqui Grennan
- Googly Eyed Daffodils - Luke Donforth
- Raindrops on Roses - Keith Wood
- Daisy Chain - Peter Foster
- Wildflowers A - Cary Ravitz
- Delphiniums and Daisies - Tanya Rotenberg
- Cherry Season - Keith Wood
October 13 |
English Country
Dances from the era of Jane Austen.
November 17 |
Contra - Rerun
A rerun of the best of the previous two Contra sessions.
- Trip to Mansfield - Linda Leslie
- Celebrating 70 - Linda Leslie
- The Flowers of April - Gene Hubert
- Hearts and Flowers - Ted Sanella
- Jed's Heartbeat - Linda Leslie
- Mystic Becket - Linda Leslie
- Daisy Chain - Peter Foster
- Wildflowers A - Cary Ravitz
- New England Sweethearts - Linda Leslie
- Old Time Elixir #2 - Linda Leslie
- Berlin Contra - Linda Leslie
- Mistletoe - Don Flaherty
- Cherry Season - Keith Wood
See the programs for 2013,
2014, 2015,
2016, 2017,
2018, 2019,
2020, 2021,
2022, 2023,
and the current year.