jQuery Datepicker Reference

A jQuery plugin that attaches a popup calendar to your input fields or shows an inline calendar for selecting individual dates or date ranges. If you find this plugin useful please vote for it on the jQuery site.

This page provides a documentation reference for working with the plugin v3.7.5. Download a copy for your own reference - just add jQuery JavaScript for full functionality.

For version 4.0.0 and later please see the newer documentation reference as that version is a major update to the plugin.

See a demonstration of the datepicker plugin and download the code from there. Or see a minimal page that you could use as a basis for your own investigations.

Instance Settings

A separate datepicker instance is created for each targetted control: $(selector).datepick();. When applied to a div or span the datepicker is rendered inline. Otherwise it appears as a popup on demand.

Each instance may have different settings, e.g. $(selector).datepick({minDate: new Date()});.

Alternately, you can specify the settings per control by including the jQuery Metadata plugin in your page and adding options to the class attribute, e.g. <input type="text" class="{minDate: new Date()}"/>.

Below are the settings that may be applied to each datepicker instance. All are optional.

alignment | altField | altFormat | appendText | autoSize | beforeShow | beforeShowDay | buttonImage | buttonImageOnly | buttonText | calculateWeek | changeFirstDay | changeMonth | changeYear | closeAtTop | constrainInput | defaultDate | duration | gotoCurrent | hideIfNoPrevNext | highlightWeek | mandatory | maxDate | minDate | multiSelect | multiSeparator | navigationAsDateFormat | numberOfMonths | onChangeMonthYear | onClose | onHover | onSelect | rangeSelect | rangeSeparator | selectOtherMonths | shortYearCutoff | showAnim | showBigPrevNext | showCurrentAtPos | showDefault | showOn | showOptions | showOtherMonths | showStatus | showWeeks | statusForDate | stepBigMonths | stepMonths | useThemeRoller | yearRange

useThemeRollerbooleanfalse Set to true to use ThemeRoller CSS classes for styling, or false to use the original plugin CSS classes. Include a corresponding stylesheet (and ThemeRoller stylesheets if appropriate) in your page to render the datepicker.

Since 3.7.0.
showOnstring'focus' Control when the datepicker appears. The options are 'focus' for when the input field receives focus, 'button' for when an associated button is clicked, or 'both' for both of the above. This setting is ignored for inline datepickers.
showAnimstring'show' Specify the animation used when the datepicker is shown and hidden. The options are 'show' for the standard expand down and to the left, 'fadeIn' for fade in and out, 'slideDown' for expanding downwards, or any of the jQuery UI effects, such as 'clip', 'fold', or 'slide', provided you include the jQuery UI effects module. Use '' for no animation.

Since 3.7.3 - '' for no animation.
showOptionsobject{} When using one of the jQuery UI effects as the animation to show the datepicker, you can pass additional settings to that animation via this setting. For example, for the 'clip' animation you could specify horizontal movement: {direction: 'horizontal'}.
durationstring or number'normal' Set the speed of the animation. The options are 'slow', 'normal', 'fast', or the number of milliseconds.
buttonTextstring'...' Provide the text to display on a button to open the datepicker.
buttonImagestring'' To display an image on the trigger button, specify its URL in this setting.
buttonImageOnlybooleanfalse Indicate whether or not the image (given above) should appear by itself (true) or on a button (false).
alignmentstring'bottom' Set the alignment of the datepicker popup to an edge or corner of its input field. The options are 'top', 'bottom', 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', or 'bottomRight'. The first two align left or right depending on the language direction and available space, and may swap edges to keep the datepicker in view. The remainder do not reposition themselves.

Since 3.7.0.
autoSizebooleanfalse Set to true to have the input field automatically sized for the maximum value under the current dateFormat. Leave as false to not resize the input field.

Since 3.7.1.
defaultDateDate or number or stringnull Specify the date shown when no other date has been selected. You can provide an actual date via a Date object (new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26)), a date string in the current format, a number of days before or after today (+7), or a string of periods and units to offset from today ('+1M +10D'). For the last, use 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, or 'Y' for years. Upper or lower case may be used. Leave as null to have the default date be today.

Since 3.7.0 - added date string.
showDefaultbooleanfalse When true the default date is set into the input field whenever no other date has been selected.

Since 3.6.0.
appendTextstring'' Provide any text that should be displayed after each datepicker input. For example, you may want to describe the date format.
closeAtTopbooleantrue Indicate whether the Clear/Close links should appear at the top of the datepicker (true) or at the bottom (false).
mandatorybooleanfalse Indicate whether or not the date field is mandatory. If so (true) the Clear link is hidden.
hideIfNoPrevNextbooleanfalse Indicate whether the Prev/Next links should be disabled (false) or hidden (true) when they do not apply.
navigationAsDateFormatbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not the formatDate function should be applied to the Prev/Current/Next links. When true, the function is applied, allowing you to have these links labelled for the months that they would show.
showBigPrevNextbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not to show a second set of Prev/Next links that move by a larger number of months (12 by default, see stepBigMonths).
stepMonthsnumber1 Specify how many months to move when the Prev/Next links are clicked.
stepBigMonthsnumber12 If showing the large Prev/Next links (see showBigPrevNext), specify how many months to move when these are clicked.
gotoCurrentbooleanfalse Indicate whether the Current link should show the month for today (false) or the month for the currently selected date (true).
changeMonthbooleantrue Indicate whether or not the month may be changed from a drop-down of all the months in the year. You can always use the Prev/Next links.
changeYearbooleantrue Indicate whether or not the year may be changed from a drop-down of possible years. Use the yearRange setting to control which years appear.
yearRangestring'-10:+10' Specify which years to show in the year drop-down. The range can be expressed as relative to the currently displayed year ('c-5:c+5'), as relative to today's year ('-10:+10'), as absolute years, ('1980:2010'), or any combination of these ('2000:-5'). Note that this setting only limits the contents of the year drop-down. Use minDate and/or maxDate to restrict which dates may be selected.

Since 3.7.3 - relative to today's year and combinations.
changeFirstDaybooleanfalse Indicate whether or not clicking on a day name column header causes a change to that day as the first of the week. Use the firstDay setting to set the first day of the week.
showOtherMonthsbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not to show days from other months that precede or follow the current month. These dates are not selectable by default - see selectOtherMonths.
selectOtherMonthsbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not days from other months that precede or follow the current month are selectable. This setting has no effect unless showOtherMonths is true.

Since 3.5.0.
highlightWeekbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not to highlight the entire week when hovering over any day in that week.
showWeeksbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not to add a column showing the week of the year. The method of calculating a week is determined by the calculateWeek setting. Note that the calculation is performed only for the first day of each week as displayed.
calculateWeekfunction $.datepick.
Provide the function that calculates the week of the year for a given date. The function takes a Date as a parameter and returns the number of the week for that date. The default uses the ISO 8601 definition of a week: weeks start on a Monday; the first week of the year contains January 4; up to three days from the previous/next year may be included in the first/last week of the year; weeks are numbered 1 through 53.
shortYearCutoffstring or number'+10' When a two-digit year format is used (see dateFormat), this value helps determine the century for a given date. If expressed as a number (0 to 99) it is the year beyond which the century should be the last one instead of the current one. If expressed as a string, it is converted to a number and added to the current year before making the comparison above. If set to -1 the year is always in the 1900s.

Since 3.5.2 - disable with -1.
showStatusbooleanfalse Indicate whether or not to show the status bar at the bottom of the datepicker that contains more detailed explanations of the function of each component.
statusForDatefunction $.datepick.
Provide a function to construct the status message for a given date. The function takes the date as a parameter and return a string. The message may contain HTML markup. The default function uses the dateStatus setting for the given date.
minDateDate or number or stringnull Specify a lower limit on the dates that may be selected or leave as null for no such restriction. You can provide an actual date via a Date object (new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26)), a date string in the current format, a number of days before or after today (-7), or a string of periods and units to offset from today ('-1M -10D'). For the last, use 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, or 'Y' for years. Upper or lower case may be used.

Since 3.7.0 - added date string.
maxDateDate or number or stringnull Specify an upper limit on the dates that may be selected or leave as null for no such restriction. You can provide an actual date via a Date object (new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26)), a date string in the current format, a number of days before or after today (+7), or a string of periods and units to offset from today ('+1M +10D'). For the last, use 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, or 'Y' for years. Upper or lower case may be used.

Since 3.7.0 - added date string.
numberOfMonthsnumber or number[2]1 Specify the number of months to display in the datepicker. If expressed as a single number these are shown horizontally. If expressed as a two-entry array, these are the number of rows and columns to show, e.g. {numberOfMonths: [2, 3]}.
showCurrentAtPosnumber0 When showing multiple months, use this setting to indicate in which position the current month should appear, starting at zero. For example, to show three months with the current one in the middle: {numberOfMonths: 3, showCurrentAtPos: 1}.
rangeSelectbooleanfalse Indicate whether to allow selection of a single date (false) or a range of values (true). For the latter, the first click selects the starting date and the second selects the ending date.
rangeSeparatorstring' - ' When selecting date ranges, this setting controls what separates the two dates in the range when displayed in the input field or passed to the onSelect or onClose callbacks.
multiSelectnumber0 To allow selection of multiple individual dates, set this to the maximum number of allowed selections. The first click on a date selects it and a second click de-selects it. This setting is ignored if rangeSelect is true.

Since 3.6.0.
multiSeparatorstring',' When selecting multiple individual dates, this setting controls what separates those dates when displayed in the input field or passed to the onSelect or onClose callbacks.

Since 3.6.0.
altFieldstring or element'' As well as the input field and its format (see dateFormat), you can specify an alternate field to also be updated with the selected date (or range). The setting value is either the jQuery selector for the field or the element itself.
altFormatstring'' The alternate field above can have its own date format. You can use these two settings to display the date in one format to the user, but have a different field carry the date in a more useable format through for further processing. See the formatDate function for the formatting possibilities.
beforeShowfunctionnull Specify a function that is called just before the datepicker shows itself, allowing you to adjust its settings. For example, you can use this function to synchronise two input fields that constitute a date range. The function takes the input field or division/span to which the datepicker is attached and the datepicker instance object as parameters, and returns an object containing settings that are applied to that instance.

$(selector).datepick({beforeShow: setMin}); function setMin(input, inst) { return {minDate: ...}; }
beforeShowDayfunctionnull Provide a function that is called for each date being displayed. The function takes a date as a parameter and returns an array of values where [0] is true if this date is selectable or false if it is not, [1] is any custom CSS class name(s) or '' for none, and [2] is an optional tooltip value for this date. For example, it would return [false, ''] to make the date unselectable, or [true, 'birthday', 'Mum\'s birthday'] to change its appearance via CSS as the 'birthday' class and to describe whose birthday in a popup tooltip. One standard function is defined: $.datepick.noWeekends prevents the selection of any Saturday or Sunday.

$(selector).datepick({beforeShowDay: noSundays}); function noSundays(date) { return [date.getDay() != 0, '']; }
onChangeMonthYearfunctionnull Specify a function that is called whenever the displayed month and/or year are changed. The function takes the new year, new month (1 to 12), the first of that month as a Date, and the current datepicker instance object as parameters. Within this function, this refers to the input field for this datepicker.

$(selector).datepick( {onChangeMonthYear: trackMonth}); function trackMonth(year, month, date, inst) { ... }

Since 3.5.2 - added Date type parameter.
onHoverfunctionnull Provide a function that is called when the mouse hovers over a day. The function takes the covered date as a string (in the format given by dateFormat) and as a Date, and the current datepicker instance object as parameters. A second call to the function is made on exit with the date values set to null. Within this function, this refers to the input field for this datepicker.

$(selector).datepick({onHover: trackDay}); function trackDay(value, date, inst) { ... }

Since 3.5.0.
Since 3.5.2 - added Date type parameter.
onSelectfunctionnull Set a function that is called whenever a date is selected within the datepicker. The function takes the chosen date as a string (in the format given by dateFormat) and as a Date or Date array (for range or multiple selects), and the current datepicker instance object as parameters. For date ranges, the function is called for both the start and end selections and the date string contains both dates separated by rangeSeparator. For multiple dates, the function is called for each selection and de-selection and the date string contains the dates separated by multiSeparator. Within this function, this refers to the input field for this datepicker.

$(selector).datepick({onSelect: pickedDate}); function pickedDate(value, date, inst) { ... }

Since 3.5.2 - added Date type parameter.
onClosefunctionnull Provide a function that is called whenever the datepicker is closed. The function takes the current date as a string (in the format given by dateFormat) and as a Date or Date array (for range multiple selects), and the current datepicker instance object as parameters. For date ranges, the date string contains both dates separated by rangeSeparator. For multiple dates, the date string contains all the dates separated by multiSeparator. Within this function, this refers to the input field for this datepicker.

$(selector).datepick({onClose: closedDate}); function closedDate(value, date, inst) { ... }

Since 3.5.2 - added Date type parameter.
constrainInputbooleantrue Indicate whether or not any characters entered directly into the input field should be restricted to those allowed by the current format (see dateFormat).

Localisation Settings

Below are the localisation settings that may be applied to each datepicker instance. All are optional. These options are designed to be updated when localising the datepicker for a given language and locale.

Use a localisation package (see the list on the demo page) by loading the appropriate file after the datepicker plugin itself. This adds a language set ($.datepick.regional[langCode]) and automatically sets this language as the default for all datepicker fields.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.datepick-fr.js"></script>

Thereafter, if desired, you can restore the original language settings.


And then configure the language per datepicker field.


clearStatus | clearText | closeStatus | closeText | currentStatus | currentText | dateFormat | dateStatus | dayNames | dayNamesMin | dayNamesShort | dayStatus | firstDay | initStatus | isRTL | monthNames | monthNamesShort | monthStatus | nextBigStatus | nextBigText | nextStatus | nextText | prevBigStatus | prevBigText | prevStatus | prevText | showMonthAfterYear | weekHeader | weekStatus | yearStatus | yearSuffix

clearTextstring'Clear' The text to display for the link to clear the input field and close the datepicker. Use the mandatory setting to control the link's presence.
clearStatusstring'Erase the current date' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
closeTextstring'Close' The text to display for the link to close the datepicker without changing the field value.
closeStatusstring'Close without change' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
prevTextstring'<Prev' The text to display for the link to move to the previous month. Use the stepMonths setting to specify how many months to move at one time.
prevStatusstring'Show the previous month' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
prevBigTextstring'<<' The text to display for the link to move to the previous year. Use the stepBigMonths setting to specify how many months to move at one time and the showBigPrevNext setting to control its presence.
prevBigStatusstring'Show the previous year' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
nextTextstring'Next>' The text to display for the link to move to the next month. Use the stepMonths setting to specify how many months to move at one time.
nextStatusstring'Show the next month' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
nextBigTextstring'>>' The text to display for the link to move to the next year. Use the stepBigMonths setting to specify how many months to move at one time and the showBigPrevNext setting to control its presence.
nextBigStatusstring'Show the next year' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
currentTextstring'Today' The text to display for the link to show the month containing today. Use the gotoCurrent setting to show the month of the current selection instead.
currentStatusstring'Show the current month' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the above link.
monthNamesstring[12]['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] The names of the months. These are used for display in the month selection drop-down, as well as for formatting and parsing dates.
monthNamesShortstring[12] ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] The abbreviated names of the months for formatting and parsing dates.
monthStatusstring'Show a different month' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the month selection drop-down. Use the changeMonth setting to allow the month to be changed with this drop-down.
yearStatusstring'Show a different year' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the year selection drop-down. Use the changeYear setting to allow the year to be changed with this drop-down.
weekHeaderstring'Wk' The text to display in the header for the week-of-the-year column. Use the showWeeks setting to control this column's presence.
weekStatusstring'Week of the year' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the week-of-the-year column.
dayNamesstring[7] ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'] The names of the days, starting at Sunday. These are used for formatting and parsing dates and in various status bar messages.
dayNamesShortstring[7] ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'] The abbreviated names of the days, starting at Sunday. These are used for formatting and parsing dates and in various status bar messages.
dayNamesMinstring[7] ['Su','Mo','Tu','We','Th','Fr','Sa'] The minimal names of the days for display as column headings. Use the firstDay setting to specify the first day of the week and the changeFirstDay setting to allow the user to change it themselves.
dayStatusstring'Set DD as first week day' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the day column headers. 'D' is replaced by the abbreviated day name and 'DD' is replaced by the full day name.
dateStatusstring'Select DD, M d' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar for the selectable days in a month. The formatDate function is applied to the text before display. This setting is used by the standard implementation (dateStatus) of the statusForDate callback.
dateFormatstring'mm/dd/yy' The format in which dates are presented in the input field. See the formatting possibilities in the formatDate function.
firstDaynumber0 The first day of the week: 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, through to 6 is Saturday.
initStatusstring'Select a date' The text to display in the datepicker's status bar when no other status bar message applies.
isRTLbooleanfalse Set to true to indicate that this localisation's language reads right-to-left. This affects the positioning of various elements as well as the text itself.
showMonthAfterYearbooleanfalse Indicate whether the month drop-down should appear after (true) the year drop-down, or before it (false).

Since 3.5.2 - moved to localisation settings.
yearSuffixstring'' Text to append to the year in each month's header.

Since 3.5.2.

Global Settings

Below are the fields and functions available from the datepicker manager ($.datepick).


regionalobject[] The set of localisation settings for the datepicker. Entries are indexed by the country/region code with '' providing the default (English) settings. Each entry is an object with the properties listed on the Localisation tab. Language packages load new entries into this array and automatically apply them as global defaults. If necessary, you can then revert to the default language settings with


and apply the language settings to individual fields with


Check out the list of available localisation packages.
ATOMstring'yy-mm-dd'RFC 3339 (ISO 8601)
This and the fields below are designed to be used for the dateFormat and altFormat settings, as well as with the formatDate and parseDate functions.
COOKIEstring'D, dd M yy'
RFC_822string'D, d M y'
RFC_850string'DD, dd-M-y'
RFC_1036string'D, d M y'
RFC_1123string'D, d M yy'
RFC_2822string'D, d M yy'
RSSstring'D, d M y'RFC 822
TICKSstring'!'Since 3.5.2.
W3Cstring'yy-mm-dd'ISO 8601


dateStatus | destroy | dialog | disable | enable | errorPlacement | formatDate | getDate | hide | isDisabled | iso8601Week | noWeekends | option | parseDate | refresh | setDate | setDefaults | show

$.datepick.setDefaults(settings)void Update the default instance settings (see Settings and Localisation tabs) to use with all datepicker instances.

$.datepick.setDefaults({dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'})
$(selector).datepick('option', settings)jQuery object Update the settings for the datepicker instances attached to the given controls.

settings (object) is the set of changed options

$(selector).datepick('option', {dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'})
$(selector).datepick('option', name, value)jQuery object Update the setting for a single property on the datepicker instances attached to the given controls.

name (string) is the name of the option

value (any) is the new value of the option

$(selector).datepick('option', 'dateFormat', 'dd/mm/yy')
$(selector).datepick('option', name)any Retrieve the datepicker instance setting(s) from the first of the given controls. All settings are returned as an object if a name of 'all' is provided. All global default settings are returned as an object if the name is 'defaults'. If there is no appropriate setting, null is returned.

name (string) is the name of an individual setting, 'all' for all instance settings, or 'defaults' for all global defaults

format = $(selector).datepick('option', 'dateFormat')

Since 3.5.2.
$(selector).datepick('dialog', date, onSelect, settings, pos) jQuery object Display the datepicker in a "dialog" box.

date (string or Date) is the initial date to display (in the current format)

onSelect (function) is the function to call when a date is selected

settings (object, optional) is any additional options for the dialog date picker instance

pos (int[2], optional) is left and top coordinates for the dialog's position within the screen or (event) an event with x/y coordinates or omitted for the screen centre

$(selector).datepick('dialog', new Date(), alertDate)

Since 3.7.0 - initial date as Date.
$(selector).datepick('destroy')jQuery object Remove the datepicker functionality from the given controls.
$(selector).datepick('enable')jQuery object Enable the datepickers for the given controls.
$(selector).datepick('disable')jQuery object Disable the datepickers for the given controls.
$(selector).datepick('isDisabled')boolean Returns true if the first datepicker selected is currently disabled or false if it is enabled.
$(selector).datepick('show')jQuery object Open the datpicker for the specified field.
$(selector).datepick('hide')jQuery object Close the datepicker for the specified field.
$(selector).datepick('refresh')jQuery object Redraw the datepickers for the given controls. You shouldn't need to invoke this command as the datepicker refreshes when its options are changed. But just in case...
$(selector).datepick('setDate', date, endDate)jQuery object Set the current date for the datepickers for the given controls.

date (Date, optional) is the new selected date or (Date[]) for the start and end of a range or multiple individual dates - omit to clear all dates

endDate (Date, optional) is the end date for a date range - it is ignored if not selecting a range, and defaults to the start date if omitted otherwise

For each parameter, you can provide an actual date via a Date object (new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26)), a date string in the current format, a number of days before or after today (+7), or a string of periods and units to offset from today ('+1M +10D'). For the last, use 'D' for days, 'W' for weeks, 'M' for months, or 'Y' for years. Upper or lower case may be used. Prefix the string with 'C' to calculate from the currently selected date rather than today.

$(selector).datepick('setDate') // Clear
$(selector).datepick('setDate', new Date(2009, 1 - 1, 26))
$(selector).datepick('setDate', -7)
$(selector).datepick('setDate', '+20d')
$(selector).datepick('setDate', 'c+1w')
$(selector).datepick('setDate', [date1, date2, date3])

Since 3.7.0 - added date string.
Since 3.7.1 - added relative to current.
Since 3.7.2 - omit dates to clear all dates.
$(selector).datepick('getDate')Date or Date[] For the first element selected, retrieve the currently selected date, or null if no date has been chosen yet. If selecting a date range the start and end dates are returned in an array. If selecting multiple dates the dates are returned in an array.
$.datepick.dateStatus(date, inst)string Returns the default status bar entry when hovering over a date. It applies the dateStatus setting to the current date. You can change the way the status text for a date is determined by providing your own function for the statusForDate setting.
$.datepick.iso8601Week(date)number Calculate the week of the year for the given date based on the ISO 8601 definition. You can change the way the week of the year is calculated by providing your own function for the calculateWeek setting.
$.datepick.noWeekends(date)array A function that can be used for the beforeShowDay setting that does not allow selection of days on weekends.
$.datepick.formatDate(format, date, settings)string Convert a Date value into a string following a given format.

format (string) is the format for display - any combination of:

  • d - day of month (no leading zero)
  • dd - day of month (two digit)
  • o - day of year (no leading zeros)
  • oo - day of year (three digit)
  • D - day name short
  • DD - day name long
  • w - week of year (no leading zero)
  • ww - week of year (two digit)
  • m - month of year (no leading zero)
  • mm - month of year (two digit)
  • M - month name short
  • MM - month name long
  • y - year (two digit)
  • yy - year (four digit)
  • @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
  • ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
  • '...' - literal text
  • '' - single quote

date (Date) is the date to display

settings (object, optional) is any additional settings for the conversion - this object may contain the following attributes (all optional):
dayNames (string[7]) is the full names of the days starting from Sunday;
dayNamesShort (string[7]) is the abbreviated names of the days starting from Sunday;
monthNames (string[12]) is the full names of the months;
monthNamesShort (string[12]) is the abbreviated names of the months;
calculateWeek (function) is a function to calculate the week of the year (see iso8601Week) - if any of these are omitted, the corresponding value from the datepicker defaults is used instead

$.datepick.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date())

Since 3.5.2 - added Windows ticks.
Since 3.7.0 - added week of the year.
$.datepick.parseDate(format, value, settings)Date Convert a string value into a Date object following a given format. Various exceptions may be thrown if error conditions are encountered.

format (string) is the format that describes the expected date - see the possibilities under the formatDate function.

value (string) is the date text to convert

settings (object, optional) is any additional settings for the conversion - this object may contain the following attributes (all optional):
shortYearCutoff (number) is the cutoff year for determining the century;
dayNames (string[7]) is the full names of the days from Sunday;
dayNamesShort (string[7]) is the abbreviated names of the days from Sunday;
monthNames (string[12]) is the full names of the months;
monthNamesShort (string[12]) is the abbreviated names of the months - if any of these are omitted, the corresponding value from the datepicker defaults is used instead

$.datepick.parseDate('yy-mm-dd', '2009-01-26')
$.datepick.errorPlacement(error, element)void Correctly places a validation error message after any trigger button or icon. It should be assigned as the errorPlacement setting for the validate call.

Since 3.5.1 - only available with the validation extension.

Validation Integration

Datepicker can be integrated with Jörn Zaefferer's validation plugin by adding the jquery.datepick-validation.js extension to your page.

Since 3.5.1.

Four new validations are defined, as listed below. All automatically handle date ranges (including checking that the start date is not after the end date) and multiple dates. The first may be added as a class to your datepicker fields, while the others must be defined in the validate settings and be passed an empty array.

There is also a custom errorPlacement function defined so that the error messages appear after any trigger button or icon.

You can customise the error messages via the datepicker defaults: $.datepick.setDefaults({...}). The message fields are validateDate, validateDateMin, validateDateMax, and validateDateMinMax. Within the latter use '{0}' and/or '{1}' for substituting in minimum/maximum date values.

The sample page below show how the validations would be used. It defines three datepicker fields: one plain, one a date range, and one with a maximum limit. The validations are applied to the first two by including the dpDate class on the fields. For the last one the validation is defined in the validate call on the form, linking the field to the dpMaxDate rule. Also note that a custom message is defined for the date range field.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.8.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.validate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.datepick.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.datepick-validation.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
	$('#holidayDates').datepick({rangeSelect: true});
	$('#birthDate').datepick({maxDate: new Date()});

		errorPlacement: $.datepick.errorPlacement,
		rules: {
			birthDate: {dpMaxDate: []}
		messages: {
			holidayDates: 'Please enter a valid date range'}
<style type="text/css">@import "jquery.datepick.css";</style>
	<form id="validateForm">
		<p>Favourite date: <input type="text" id="favDate"
			name="favDate" size="10" class="dpDate"/></p>
		<p>Period of last holiday: <input type="text" id="holidayDates"
			name="holidayDates" size="24" class="dpDate"/></p>
		<p>Date of birth: <input type="text" id="birthDate"
			name="birthDate" size="10"/></p>

Contact Keith Wood at kbwood{at}iinet.com.au with comments or suggestions.

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