Instance Settings
Customise each targetted division with the settings below (all are optional):
$(selector).imagecube({..., ...});
afterRotate | beforeRotate | direction | easing | expansion | full3D | imagePath | letterSpacing | lineHeight | opacity | pause | randomSelection | reduction | repeat | segments | selection | shading | speed
Name | Type | Default | Comments |
direction | string | 'random' | The direction in which to rotate the cube. Possible values are
'random', 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'. Random chooses one of
randomSelection for each transition. |
randomSelection | string[] | ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'] | If the direction is 'random', then select one
of these directions for each rotation of the cube.
Possible values are 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'. |
speed | number | 2000 | The number of milliseconds that it takes for each rotation to complete. |
easing | string | 'linear' | The name of the easing to use for the rotation animation. This can be one of the jQuery UI effects when this code is included. |
repeat | boolean | true | Set to true to automatically rotate the cube to a new image after pausing the time below. Set to false to only rotate on demand. |
pause | number | 2000 | The number of milliseconds to pause between rotations of the cube. |
selection | string | 'forward' | Determine how the next image to be shown is selected.
The value should be one of 'forward', 'backward', or 'random'. Since 1.1.0. |
shading | boolean | true | Set to true to add the shading for enhancing the 3D effects.
Set to false to not apply shading. Since 1.0.1. Since 1.2.0 - previously it was noShading with the opposite initial value and sense. |
opacity | number | 0.8 | The maximum opacity for the highlight and shadow.
Valid values are 0.0 to 1.0. Since 1.2.0 - previously it was an array of minimum to maximum. |
imagePath | string | '' | Any extra path information required to locate the highlight and shadow
images used by IE for the shading effects. Since 1.0.1. |
full3D | boolean | true | Set to true to display a full 3D cube with perspective.
Set to false to use the original ("flat") transition. Since 1.2.0. |
segments | number | 20 | The number of segments to use for the full3D effect.
A higher number gives a smoother look to the cube but
means more work for the animation.Since 1.2.0. |
reduction | number | 30 | The number of pixels by which the back edges of the cube are
reduced for the full3D effect.Since 1.2.0. |
expansion | number | 10 | The number of pixels by which the front edge of the cube is
expanded for the full3D effect.Since 1.2.0. |
lineHeight | number[2] | [0.0, 1.25] | The minimum and maximum line height (em) to use when "rotating" text. |
letterSpacing | number[2] | [-0.4, 0.0] | The minimum and maximum letter spacing (em) to use when "rotating" text. |
beforeRotate | function | null | A callback made just before each rotation starts.
The function receives the current (shown) and next (to be shown) elements
as parameters, while this refers to the containing division.Since 1.2.0. |
afterRotate | function | null | A callback made just after each rotation ends.
The function receives the current (just hidden) and next (just displayed) elements
as parameters, while this refers to the containing division.
Since 1.2.0. |