Instance Settings

A separate label effect instance is created for each targetted control: $(selector).labeleffect();.
Each instance may have different settings, e.g.

$(selector).labeleffect({effect: 'echoed'});

Below are the options that may be applied to each label effect instance.

color | effect | hiBlend | hiColor | hiDir | hiFill | hiOffset | shadowBlend | shadowColor | shadowDir | shadowFill | shadowOffset

colorstring'' Override the colour of the original text. Leave as blank for no change.
hiColorstring'silver' The colour of the highlight effect text.
hiDirnumberthis.NONE The direction of the highlight effect text. Use one of the constants: UPLEFT, UP, UPRIGHT, LEFT, NONE, RIGHT, DOWNLEFT, DOWN, or DOWNRIGHT - all available via the $.labeleffect object.
hiOffsetnumber0 The distance by which the highlight effect text is offset.
hiFillbooleanfalse Set to true if the space between the original text and the highlight effect text should be filled, giving an extruded look. Set to false to leave the space empty.
hiBlendbooleanfalse Set to true if the space between the original text and the highlight effect text should be filled with a transition from the original text colour to that of the highlight effect text. This effect is only seen if hiFill is also true. Set to false to leave the space empty.
shadowColorstring'silver' The colour of the shadow effect text.
shadowDirnumberthis.DOWNRIGHT The direction of the shadow effect text. Use one of the constants: UPLEFT, UP, UPRIGHT, LEFT, NONE, RIGHT, DOWNLEFT, DOWN, or DOWNRIGHT - all available via the $.labeleffect object.
shadowOffsetnumber5 The distance by which the shadow effect text is offset.
shadowFillbooleanfalse Set to true if the space between the original text and the shadow effect text should be filled, giving an extruded look. Set to false to leave the space empty.
shadowBlendbooleanfalse Set to true if the space between the original text and the shadow effect text should be filled with a transition from the original text colour to that of the shadow effect text. This effect is only seen if shadowFill is also true. Set to false to leave the space empty.
effectstring'' Implement a preset effect, which causes most of the other settings to be assigned appropriate values. Current effects are 'echoed', 'floating', 'raised', 'shadow', 'sunken'.

addEffect | change | destroy | getEffects | setDefaults

$.labeleffect.setDefaults(settings)LabelEffects Update the default instance settings (see above) to use with all label effect instances.
$.labeleffect.addEffect(id, settings)LabelEffects Add a new named effect.
id (string) is the name of the effect
settings (object) is the settings for this effect and should contain color, hiColor, hiDir, hiOffset, hiFill, hiBlend, shadowColor, shadowDir, shadowOffset, shadowFill, and shadowBlend
$.labeleffect.getEffects()object Retrieve the list of named effects. The attributes of the returned object are the named effects and their values are the settings for that effect.
$(selector).labeleffect('change', settings)jQuery object Update the settings for the label effect instance(s) attached to the given control(s).
settings (object) is the set of new options.
$(selector).labeleffect('change', name, value)jQuery object Update one setting for the label effect instance(s) attached to the given control(s).
name (string) is the property name
value (any) is the property value
$(selector).labeleffect('destroy')jQuery object Remove the label effect functionality from the given control(s).