Keith Wood - My English Dances

I have written a number of dances over the last few years, in a number of different styles.

Click the link on each dance for an animation.

English Country dances

These dances are in the style of English and Welsh Country dances.

Icon for Christmas carols series "Christmas carols" series

About the Garden

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Hands-six circle left half-way
9-12Lead up a double and fall back a double
13-16Hands-six circle left half-way
17-201st man and 3rd woman cast anti-clockwise two places, others move up/down on last two bars
21-261st man star left with 1st and 2nd women 1 1/3 around at the bottom, 3rd woman the same with 2nd and 3rd men at the top (finishing with the set inverted, 1st and 3rd couples improper)
27-301st man and 3rd woman cast anti-clockwise two places, others move up/down on last two bars
31-361st man star left with 1st woman and 2nd man 1 1/3 around at the top, 3rd woman the same with 2nd woman and 3rd man at the bottom; all finish in original positions
37-40Part II: Side with partner
41-44Hands-six circle left half-way
45-48Side with partner
49-52Hands-six circle left half-way
53-563rd man and 1st woman cast clockwise two places, others move up/down on last two bars
57-623rd man star right with 2nd and 3rd women 1 1/3 around at the top, 1st woman the same with 1st and 2nd men at the bottom (finishing with the set inverted, 1st and 3rd couples improper)
63-663rd man and 1st woman cast clockwise two places, others move up/down on last two bars
67-723rd man star right with 2nd man and 3rd woman 1 1/3 around at the bottom, 1st woman the same with 1st man and 2nd woman at the top; all finish in original positions
73-76Part III: Arm right with partner
77-80Hands-six circle left half-way
81-84Arm left with partner
85-88Hands-six circle left half-way
89-922nd couple cast anti-clockwise two places, others move clockwise one place on last two bars
93-982nd man star left with 1st couple 1 1/3 around on the women's side – 1st woman stepping back and joining after 1st man, 2nd woman the same with 3rd couple on the men's side – 3rd man stepping back and joining after 3rd woman (finishing 1st man and 3rd woman swapped, 2nd couple improper in the middle)
99-1022nd couple cast anti-clockwise two places, others move clockwise one place on last two bars
103-1082nd man star left with 1st and 3rd men 1 1/3 around on the men's side – 3rd man stepping back and joining after 1st man, 2nd woman the same with 1st and 3rd women on the women's side – 1st woman stepping back and joining after 3rd woman; all finish in original positions

More Tudor music, All in a Garden Green, with interesting phrasing – two lots of eight bars then two repeats of four plus six bars. So I had to find a movement longer than normal that still kept the dance flowing. The name follows on from the previous dance and matches the name of the music.

Alison's Attainment

Animation Top
1-41st couple cross and cast to 2nd place, 2nd couple lead up
5-81st couple half figure of eight up through the 2nd couple
9-16Hey for three on the men's side and on the women's side, 1st man starting down right shoulder, 1st woman starting up right shoulder
17-201st man dance anti-clockwise around 3rd woman, while 1st woman dance anti-clockwise around 2nd man, each finishing in partner's position; while others acknowledge your corner and your neighbour, then slide across the set past your partner (men behind women)
21-241st man dance anti-clockwise around 2nd woman, while 1st woman dance anti-clockwise around 3rd man, each finishing back home; while others acknowledge your corner and your partner, then slide up/down the set past your neighbour (top couple behind the bottom couple)
25-281st man dance clockwise around 3rd man, while 1st woman dance clockwise around 2nd woman, each finishing in partner's position; while others acknowledge your corner and your neighbour, then slide across the set past your partner (men behind women)
29-321st man dance clockwise around 2nd man, while 1st woman dance clockwise around 3rd woman, each finishing back home; while others acknowledge your corner and your partner, then slide up/down the set past your neighbour (top couple behind the bottom couple)

For Alison MacPhail's 70th birthday. Alison is a fan of English Country dancing.

Angel's Breath

Animation Top
1-4Right hands across once around
5-61st man and 2nd woman continue right hand turn half-way; while others turn out to the left
7-81st woman and 2nd man turn left hand half-way; while others turn out to the left
9-12All left hand across once around
13-14All turn out to the right
15-16Right hand turn partner half-way

Slow set and honour your partner during the first four bars of introduction, and the same to your corner during the last four bars.

I had received a new CD – Tromper Le Temps by Le Vent Du Nord – and loved the final track – Souffle d'Ange. Upon closer examination it turned out to be a 16 bar repeat, which, with its slower tempo, seemed to suit a Playford style dance. The progression move I had seen in Contra dances and kept the dance flowing. The name is a translation of the tune's name.

At Wave Rock

Animation Top
1-41st couple gatepost turn the 2nd couple in and up and back to place
5-83rd couple gatepost turn the 2nd couple in and down and back to place
9-16Mirror hey for three on your own side, 2nd couple coming in and up to start
17-202nd couple individually star right with the couple to their right
21-24Same groups star left back to place
25-28Serpentine: 1st man lead 1st and 2nd women single file (from their star), 3rd woman lead 3rd and 2nd men single file; leaders pass right shoulders across and down/up the set, then turn right and across the set to finish proper at the other end (2nd couple back in place)
29-32Continue leading across and up/down the set passing left shoulders, then turn left and across the set back to place
33-36On the right diagonal (1st man and 2nd woman, 2nd man and 3rd woman) left hand turn once around (these will be your new partners, as will the two standing still become partners)
37-40Same right hand turn once around
41Progression: 1st man and 1st and 2nd women single file one place clockwise; 3rd woman and 2nd and 3rd men the same
42-441st man lead 2nd woman to the bottom of the set, 3rd woman lead 2nd man to the top of the set, 3rd man and 1st woman gypsy right once around in the middle; finishing 2nd man and 3rd woman at the top, 3rd man and 1st woman in the middle, 1st man and 2nd woman at the bottom
45-48All back-to-back new partner
Repeat twice more

Wave Rock is a rock formation near Hyden, 340km east of Perth. It is 110m long and 15m high and looks like a breaking wave.

This dance has many curving movements in it. Each time through the dance you start in a different position with a different partner.


Animation Top
1-6Starting with corner, left turn half-way, with the next right turn once around, with corner left turn half-way back to place
7-14Double hey for four, starting with men passing left shoulders in the centre
15-16Right turn partner half-way
17-22Repeat all that on the opposite side: left turn new corner half-way, with the next right turn once around, left turn corner half-way back to place
23-30Double hey for four, starting with women passing left shoulders in the centre
31-32Right turn partner half-way (everyone is home)
33-36Heads gypsy opposite right shoulder; finish back in place facing clockwise (man leading)
37-40Heads dance around the outside of the set to opposite places
41-44Heads individually go out through their nearer side and cast back to current place
45-56Sides repeat that
57-60Heads left turn partner once around
61-64Heads cross in and dance out between the opposite side couple back to home
65-68Heads left turn partner once around
69-80Sides repeat that

A lively conversation for the lively music.

Boar's Head

Animation Top
1-41st man and 2nd woman turn left-hand once around; while 1st woman and 2nd man move clockwise around the outside to the opposite's place
5-81st woman and 2nd man turn right-hand once around; while 1st man and 2nd woman move anti-clockwise around the outside to the opposite's place
9-10All turn partner left-hand half-way
11-12All turn out towards neighbour and back into progressed place

Part of the "Christmas Carols" series.

The Boar's Head Carol is an old tune that only has a 12 bar repeat. This makes it challenging to fit in some interesting moves and a progression.

Bonsor Assembly

Animation Top
1-21st couple half figure-of-eight down through the 2nd couple, finishing behind them in a line of four
3-4Half hey for four, starting with 2nd couple passing right shoulder and finishing in 1st place improper, 1st couple finishing in 2nd place proper
5-6Circle left three places
7-8Back-to-back with opposite
9-10Circle left three places
11-12Gypsy partner once around
13-161st couple cast down, cross coming up, and cast down again; while 2nd couple cross coming up, cast down, and cross coming up again

This music from KGB sounded like an Old English piece and inspired the dance.

Circle of Friends

Animation Top
1-2Part I: All circle left
3-4Men face their left neighbour, women face their right neighbour, all back-to-back right shoulder
5-6All circle right
7-8Men face their right neighbour, women face their left neighbour, all back-to-back left shoulder; finish facing that person
9-12Four changes of a grand chain, starting right hands to meet your partner (for the second time)
13-151st couple lead through the centre into stars for three on each side (1st man with 2nd couple, left hand, 1st woman with 3rd couple, right hand)
161st couple two-hand turn half-way
17-191st couple lead through the centre into stars for three on each side (1st man with 3rd couple, right hand, 1st woman with 2nd couple, left hand)
201st couple pull past right hand, others turn away from partner to face neighbour
21-24Turn neighbour by the left hand 1 1/2
25-48Repeat with 2nd couple leading
49-72Repeat with 3rd couple leading
73-74Part II: Men face their left neighbour, women face their right neighbour, all side into line right shoulder
75-76Back-to-back right shoulder
77-78Men face their right neighbour, women face their left neighbour, all side into line left shoulder
79-80Back-to-back left shoulder; finish facing that person
81-84Four changes of a grand chain, starting right hands to meet your partner (for the second time)
85-881st couple lead through the centre and individually cast back to come in between the side couples (1st man between 2nd couple, 1st women between 3rd couple), then cross to face out between the other side couple
89-921st couple individually hey for three with that side couple (1st man turning left to start, 1st woman turning right); finish with 1st couple only dancing 3/4 of the hey and then passing partner right shoulder to end back in the circle; all face neighbour
93-96Turn neighbour by the left hand 1 1/2
97-120Repeat with 2nd couple leading
121-144Repeat with 3rd couple leading
145-146Part III: Men face their left neighbour, women face their right neighbour, arm right
147-148Back-to-back right shoulder
149-150Men face their right neighbour, women face their left neighbour, arm left
151-152Back-to-back left shoulder; finish facing that person
153-156Four changes of a grand chain, starting right hands to meet your partner (for the second time)
157-164As couples, hey for three, 1st couple passing 3rd couple (on their right) by the right to start
165-168Turn neighbour by the left hand 1 1/2
169-192Repeat with 2nd couple leading
193-216Repeat with 3rd couple leading

Another dance in the formation I used for Musings, but this time you meet up with your partner and dance together for a while.

Recently I'd been animating some Gary Roodman dances from Good Friends, so "Circle of Friends" seemed appropriate as a name.

The Circus

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Up a double and fall back a double
5-8Facing partner, set moving forward, turn single back to place
9-16All that again
17-20Chorus: 2nd man dance up between 1st couple, then cast right and dance down to 3rd woman's position; 1st man follow 2nd man into 2nd woman's position; while 2nd woman dance down between 3rd couple, then cast right and dance up to 1st man's position; 3rd woman follow 2nd woman into 2nd man's position
21-24Hey for three half-way along each line, two men or two women passing left shoulder to start
25-28Three men star right once-and-a-third, three women the same
29-32All circle left four places back to proper positions; finish opposite new partner (men finish 2,3,1, women 3,1,2)
33-36Part II: Side with partner
37-40Facing partner, set moving forward, turn single back to place
41-48All that again
49-64Repeat chorus
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Facing partner, set moving forward, turn single back to place
73-80All that again, but arm left
81-96Repeat chorus

Cofio y Cymru (Memories of Wales)

Animation Top
1-4Part I: In lines of three on each side forward a double towards the centre and fall back a double
5-8Half hey for three on each side, 1st couple face down, others face up, 1st couple starting right shoulder with 2nd couple
9-12In lines of three on each side forward a double and fall back a double
13-16Half hey for three on each side back to place, 1st couple face up, others face down, 1st couple starting left shoulder with 2nd couple
17-201st and 2nd couples (top two) circle left half-way; 3rd couple two-hand turn once around
21-241st and 3rd couples (bottom two) circle right half-way; 2nd couple two-hand turn once around
25-282nd and 3rd couples (top two) circle left half-way; 1st couple two-hand turn once around
29-32All two-hand turn partner once around
33-361st man (bottom) and 3rd woman (top) cross by the right then turn out to the right and stop in opposite's place
37-401st woman (bottom) and 3rd man (top) cross by the left then turn out to the left and stop in opposite's place
41-442nd couple (middles) cross by the right then turn out to the right and stop in partner's place
45-48All two-hand turn partner once and a half around
49-52Part II: Side with your partner (Pat Shaw siding – right shoulder)
53-56Half hey for three on each side, 1st couple starting right shoulder with 2nd couple
57-60Side with your partner (Pat Shaw – left shoulder)
61-64Half hey for three on each side back to place, 1st couple starting left shoulder with 2nd couple
65-681st and 2nd couples (top two) right hand star half-way; 3rd couple right hand turn once around
69-721st and 3rd couples (bottom two) left hand star half-way; 2nd couple left hand turn once around
73-762nd and 3rd couples (top two) right hand star half-way; 1st couple right hand turn once around
77-80All two-hand turn partner once around
81-841st man (bottom) and 3rd woman (top) cast out and go around the outside of the set to the opposite position (clockwise)
85-881st woman (bottom) and 3rd man (top) cast out and go around the outside of the set to the opposite position (anti-clockwise)
89-922nd couple (middles) cast out and go around the outside of the set to the opposite position (clockwise) – this needs to be fairly quick
93-96All two-hand turn partner once and a half around
97-100Part III: Arm right with your partner
101-104Half hey for three on each side, 1st couple starting right shoulder with 2nd couple
105-108Arm left with your partner
109-112Half hey for three on each side back to place, 1st couple starting left shoulder with 2nd couple
113-1161st and 2nd couples (top two) half right-and-left, starting with neighbour (up/down); 3rd couple right hand across and left hand back
117-1201st and 3rd couples (bottom two) half right-and-left, starting with neighbour (up/down); 2nd couple right hand across and left hand back
121-1242nd and 3rd couples (top two) half right-and-left, starting with neighbour (up/down); 1st couple right hand across and left hand back
125-128All two-hand turn partner once around
129-1321st man (bottom) and 3rd woman (top) pass between opposite people (1st and 2nd woman and 2nd and 3rd man respectively) and turn left into opposite's place
133-1361st woman (bottom) and 3rd man (top) pass between opposite people and turn right into opposite's place
137-1402nd couple (middles) pass between end couples (man down, woman up) and turn left into opposite's place
141-144All two-hand turn partner once and a half around

Terry Roberts' 65th birthday was coming up and Sheree Greenhill asked for a Welsh dance for him, to reflect his heritage. Following along the lines of Ty Coch Caerdydd, this dance was written in a Welsh style. The name suggests Terry's connections to Wales, with the translation coming from the (Welsh) brother of one of our dancers. Now to find some different music for it.

The second figure in each part inverts the set, while the third figure restores it again.

Runner-up in the Traditional Social Dance Association of Victoria (TSDAV) Dance Composer's Competition 2013.


Animation Top
1-41st man forward a double towards 2nd woman, who falls back a double, then reverse to place; 2nd corners wait one bar then cross passing right shoulder
5-82nd man forward a double towards 1st woman, who falls back a double, then reverse to place; 1st corners wait one bar then cross passing right shoulder
9-122nd woman forward a double towards 1st man, who falls back a double, then reverse to place; 2nd corners wait one bar then cross passing right shoulder
13-161st woman forward a double towards 2nd man, who falls back a double, then reverse to place; 1st corners wait one bar then cross passing right shoulder
17-20Right hand star once around
21-24Left hand star back to place
25-28Back-to-back neighbour by the left shoulder 1 1/2
29-32Four changes of a circular hey, starting right shoulder with partner

The movements reminded me of cross-stitch needlework.

In the first half of the dance, whoever is at the top of the set advances first with the diagonally opposite person retiring.

Le Dauphin

Animation Top
1-6Double figure of eight 3/4, starting with 1s crossing down, 2s casting up
7-81st man and 2nd woman right hand turn, 1st woman and 2nd man left hand turn, both going 3/4; finish 2nd woman facing in, others facing her
9-16Dolphin hey, 1s acting as one unit, 1s passing 2nd woman right shoulder to start
17-201st man and 2nd woman right hand turn, 1st woman and 2nd man left hand turn, both 1 1/4; finish facing out (1s are now in progressed positions)
21-24Neighbours lead out a double, turn individually and come back a double
25-30Double figure of eight 3/4, starting with 1s crossing up, 2s casting down
31-321st and 2nd men left hand turn, 1st and 2nd women right hand turn, both half-way

The dance name is French for "the dolphin" and is also the title of the heir to the French crown through to 1830.

Dawn Calls

Music Animation Top
1-41st corners set in place and cross passing right shoulders
5-82nd corners the same
9-12With neighbour, lines set moving backwards, then turn single coming forwards
13-16Lines set in place and cross with partner passing right shoulder
17-201st couple half figure of eight up, outside 2nd couple to start and crossing down between them
21-242nd couple half figure of eight down through 1st couple
25-28Circle left once around
29-30Circle left half-way
31-321st couple casts down while 2nd couple leads up

I was inspired by some early morning bird calls to write a tune, and then a dance to go with it.


Animation Top
1-2Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
3-4Back-to-back partner
5-8Repeat doubles and back-to-back
91st couple cast to bottom, 2nd and 3rd couples cross up to next places
102nd couple cast to bottom, 3rd couple cross up to 1st place, 1st couple complete cast
113rd couple cast to bottom, 1st couple cross up to 2nd place, 2nd couple complete cast
121st and 2nd couples cross up to place, 3rd couple complete cast; all have returned to starting positions
131st couple cast to bottom, 2nd and 3rd couples lead up
142nd and 3rd couples little cast, 1st couple complete cast
15-20Repeat casting and crossing to finish 3, 1, 2
21-22Part II: Side with partner
23-24Back-to-back partner
25-28Repeat siding and back-to-back
29-40Repeat casting and crossing with 3rd couple leading, finishing 2, 3, 1
41-42Part III: Arm right with partner
43-44Back-to-back partner
45-46Arm left with partner
47-48Back-to-back partner
49-60Repeat casting and crossing with 2nd couple leading

Part of the "Christmas Carols" series.

After celebrating Christmas and singing carols I thought that some of the tunes could make good dances. So started a new series of dances based on these carols. The first was to the tune of Angels We Have Heard On High, which has a 16 and 24 bar repeat.

Grand Tour

Animation Top
1-2Double figure of eight: 1s cast to second place, 2s cross up to first place
3-42s cast to second place, 1s cross up to first place
5-61s cast to second place, 2s cross up to first place
7-82s cast to second place, 1s cross up to first place
9-101s cast to second place, 2s move up
11-141s half figure of eight up around 2s
15-161s cross by right shoulder

I had identified possible dance tunes while listening to more Väsen music. Hagsätra Brudmarsch is such a stirring piece that I felt it had to have a dance for it. The music suggested sweeping turns, and so developed a longways set dance reminiscent of Hole in the Wall (one of my favourites). Brudmarsch translates as "bridal march".

Heart of Hungary

Animation Top
1-4All set forward and turn single back to place
5-6Circle left half-way
7-8Turn partner two-hands half-way
9-14Heart: 1st woman and 2nd man dance (skipping) around their partner passing right shoulder, pass each other in the centre left shoulder, and dance around their neighbour passing right shoulder to finish back in place
15-20Heart: 1st man and 2nd woman dance (skipping) around their partner passing left shoulder, pass each other in the centre right shoulder, and dance around their neighbour passing left shoulder to finish back in place

I was listening to some Renaissance music and found one lively tune suitable for a dance in the English style. The name comes from the music ("Hungarian Dances") and the heart-shaped figure in the second part of the dance.


Animation Top
1-4Circle left once around, turning left at the end to form a circle facing out
5-6All balance out and back, sweeping hands forward
7-8Men balance out and back, sweeping hands forward; while women turn to their right and cross passing right shoulder
9-10All balance out and back, sweeping hands forward
11-12Women balance out and back, sweeping hands forward; while men turn to their right and cross right shoulder
13-14Balance out and back, sweeping hands forward
15-16With partner wheel half-way, men move backwards, women forwards to swap places

For this dance I tried to achieve a holly shape in the form of an outward facing circle (hands sweeping forward for the spikes).

Part of the "Christmas Carols" series.

Iain's Installation

Animation Top
1-2Back-to-back right shoulder with neighbour
3-4Neighbours left hand turn half-way; women swap passing right shoulder as men turn half-way in place
5-8Partners right hand turn half-way; all right hand star half-way; partners right hand turn half-way
9-10Repeat from new positions: Back-to-back right shoulder with partner
11-12Partners left hand turn half-way; men swap passing right shoulder as women turn half-way in place
13-16Neighbours right hand turn half-way; all right hand star half-way; neighbours right hand turn half-way
17-201st couple two-hand turn half-way, lead up between the 2nd couple and cast back to progressed positions
21-242nd couple two-hand turn half-way, lead down between the 1st couple and cast back to progressed positions

For Iain MacPhail's 80th birthday.

Isobel's Idyll

Music Animation Top
1-4Part I: Join hands in the circle, all forward a double and fall back a double
5-8With partner, set and turn single
9-12All forward a double and fall back a double
13-16With corner, set and turn single
17-20Twisted grand square: Head couples advance, circle right 1/4 and retire to the side with partner, side couples face partner, back away, then advance towards opposite in the head positions
21-24Repeat with new heads and sides
25-32Repeat twice more, finishing opposite original positions
33-36Head couples advance, circle left half-way and retire, while sides two-hand turn once around
37-40Side couples advance, circle left half-way and retire, while heads two-hand turn once around
41-44All circle left
45-48All circle right
49-56Part II: With partner, side, set and turn single
57-64With corner, side, set and turn single
65-96Twisted grand square, crossings and circles
97-104Part III: With partner, arm right, set and turn single
105-112With corner, arm left, set and turn single
113-144Twisted grand square, crossings and circles

For Isobel Blake's 70th birthday. Written the morning of her party. Subsequently Colin Hume wrote a tune for this dance.

Note that during the grand square you separate from your partner at some point, but are re-united at the end.

John Tallis' Square

Animation Top
1-2Heads advance and retire
3-4Sides advance and retire
5-6Heads cross passing right shoulder and loop around to the left to face in again on the opposite side
7-8Sides cross and loop
9-10Heads advance and retire
11-12Sides advance and retire
13-14Heads cross passing right shoulder and loop around to the left to face in again in original positions
15-16Sides cross and loop
17-18Heads right turn half way
19-20All star right half way, sides joining with your partner on the outside of the heads
21-22Heads set and turn single
23-24Sides set and turn single
25-26Heads left turn half way
27-28All star left half way, sides joining with your partner on the outside of the heads
29-30Heads face partner and back directly away, then turn 1/8 (men left, women right) to advance to next side position; finishing with opposite woman on man's right
31-32Sides face partner and back directly away, then turn 1/8 and advance to next head position
Coda: Sides advance to original positions as heads restart

Pat Shaw's John Tallis' Canon re-engineered in a square set.

Side couples repeat what the head couples do after a two bar delay. The men progress clockwise around the set, while the women progress anti-clockwise.

Kerry's Keepsake

Animation Top
1-4Part I: All circle left, slip-step
5-83rd man drop hand with 1st woman, lead others under an arch made by 1st couple, men cast right, women left, into lines of three (1, 2, 3) facing partner
9-12Lines of three advance a double and fall back a double
13-16Two-hand turn partner once around
17-24Repeat lines and two-hand-turn
25-281st couple make an arch, others dance under the arch (2nd man, 2nd woman, 3rd woman, 3rd man), 2nd couple casting to the right, 3rd couple to the left back to place
29-32All circle right, slip-step
33-64Repeat with 2nd couple leading; 1st man leads under 2nd couple's arch to form lines as above, 3rd man leading couples under the arch later
65-96Repeat with 3rd couple leading; 2nd man leads under 3rd couple's arch to form lines as above, 1st man leading couples under the arch later
97-100Part II: All circle left, slip-step
101-1043rd man lead others under 1st couple arch to lines of three
105-108Side into line right shoulder with partner
109-112Gypsy partner right shoulder once around
113-116Side into line left shoulder with partner
117-120Gypsy partner left shoulder once around
121-124Others dance under 1st couple arch, cast to place
125-128All circle right, slip-step
129-160Repeat with 2nd couple leading
161-192Repeat with 3rd couple leading
193-196Part III: All circle left, slip-step
197-2003rd man lead others under 1st couple arch to lines of three
201-204Arm right with partner
205-208Back-to-back right shoulder with partner
209-212Arm left with partner
213-216Back-to-back left shoulder with partner
217-220Others dance under 1st couple arch, cast to place
221-224All circle right, slip-step
225-256Repeat with 2nd couple leading
257-288Repeat with 3rd couple leading

For Kerry Mulligan's 60th birthday.

Lynne's Locus

Animation Top
1-4Part I: All forward a double into the centre, and fall back
5-8With partner, set and turn single
9-16All that again
17-20Women right-hand star 3/4
21-24Men left-hand star 3/4
25-28Grand chain four places, starting right hand to current partner
29-30Right-hand turn the next once around and face back the way you came
31-32Grand chain two places to home, starting left hand; finish facing original partner
33-36Part II: Side into line right shoulder with partner
37-40Set and turn single
41-44Side into line left shoulder with partner
45-48Set and turn single
49-51Women right-hand star 3/4, while men move one place anti-clockwise
52Turn partner left-hand half-way to send the men into the centre
53-55Men right-hand star 3/4, while women move one place anti-clockwise
56Turn partner left-hand out to place (opposite home); finish facing partner
57-60Back-to-back partner, left shoulder
61-64Grand chain four places (to home), starting right hand to partner
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Set and turn single
73-76Arm left with partner
77-80Set and turn single; finish with heads facing couple to their right, sides to their left
81-84Pass through (right shoulder) and two-hand turn to face the next diagonal - 3/4 for heads, 1/4 for sides
85-88Pass through (right shoulder) and two-hand turn to face the centre - 5/8 for heads, 3/8 for sides
89-90Forward a double to the centre
91-92Fall back a double on the diagonal with corner
93-94Head men and corners pass through on the diagonal; side men and corners turn two-hand half-way
95-96Head men and corners turn two-hand half-way; side men and corners pass through on the diagonal

For Lynne Cargill's 70th birthday.

A locus is " a point, line, or surface moving according to mathematically defined conditions."


Animation Top
1-4Circle left once around
5-6Change places with partner passing right shoulder
7-10Circle right once around
11-12Change places with neighbour passing left shoulder
13-16Right hand star once around
17-18Right turn partner half-way

Inspired by the music by Magico Incontro by Rondò Veneziano.

Maze of Haze

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Partners back-to-back right shoulder
9-12Lead up a double and fall back a double
13-16Partners back-to-back left shoulder
17-20Chorus: Individually hey for three half-way along each line, 1st and 2nd people passing right shoulder to start
21-24As couples (2nd and 3rd couples improper and facing down), hey for three half-way, 1st and 2nd couples starting left shoulder, all turning as couples at the end; all finishing in partner's original place
25-28Having swapped sides with your partner, individually hey for three half-way along the opposite line, 1st and 2nd people passing right shoulder to start
29-302nd and 3rd couples circle left half-way; 1st couple right hand turn half-way
31-32All turn out to the left into progressed places
33-36Part II: Side into line right shoulder with partner
37-40Back-to-back right shoulder
41-44Side into line left shoulder with partner
45-48Back-to-back left shoulder
49-64Repeat chorus
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Back-to-back right shoulder
73-76Arm left with partner
77-80Back-to-back left shoulder
81-96Repeat chorus

Or "Mays of Heys". Conceived as an entry for the May Heydays dance writing competition.

Mr Wood's Canon

Animation Top
1-41st couple lead through the centre for stars on each side, 1st man with 2nd couple left hand, 1st woman with 3rd couple right hand
5-62nd couple make an arch and go over 1st couple into 1st position as 1st couple move into 2nd; while 3rd couple turn out over their left shoulder to face 2nd position
7-82nd couple face partner and set; while 1st couple make an arch and go over 3rd couple into 3rd position as 3rd couple move into 2nd

A reworking of Pat Shaw's "Mr Shaw's Canon" in a circle.


Music Animation Top
1-4Part I: In the circle, double into the centre and fall back
5-8Back to back, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
9-12In the circle, double into the centre and fall back
13-16Back to back left shoulder, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
17-201st couple dance out between the pair to their left into the opposite place
21-241st couple two-hand turn once around
25-321st couple repeat that to place
33-64Repeat with 2nd couple leading
65-96Repeat with 3rd couple leading
97-100Part II: Side right shoulder, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
101-104Back to back, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
105-108Side left shoulder, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
109-112Back to back left shoulder, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
113-1161st couple star left once around with the pair to their left
117-1201st couple cross the set passing partner right shoulder and cast left to dance around the side pair back to place
121-1241st couple star right once around with the pair to their right
125-1281st couple cross the set passing partner left shoulder and cast right to dance around the side pair back to place
129-160Repeat with 2nd couple leading
161-192Repeat with 3rd couple leading
193-196Part III: Arm right, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
197-200Back to back, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
201-204Arm left, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
205-208Back to back left shoulder, 1st couple with partner, others with neighbour
209-2161st couple individually hey for three with the pair to their left, passing left shoulder to start
217-2241st couple individually hey for three with the pair to their right, passing right shoulder to start
225-256Repeat with 2nd couple leading
257-288Repeat with 3rd couple leading

I encountered the formation in Chris Sackett's dance Pony Express, and wanted to try it myself.

The name derives from the nine Muses, matching the nine sections of the dance.

A New Hope

Animation Top
1-41st couple gatepost turn 2nd couple in and up and around back to place, 3rd couple advance right shoulder-to-shoulder, then turn half-way left and fall back to partner's place
5-83rd couple gatepost turn 2nd couple in and down and around back to place, 1st couple advance right shoulder-to-shoulder, then turn half-way left and fall back to partner's place
9-12Hands-six circle left half-way; finishing 3,2,1, with 2s improper
13-16Turn partner two-hands once around
17-203rd couple face partner, others face up; progressive hey: 3rd couple pull past right shoulder, then left should with 2s, then right shoulder with 1s, as 2s cross right shoulder; finishing 2,1,3, with 3s improper
21-243rd couple half figure of eight down through the next couple

A new year and a new hope for resuming normal dancing after COVID-19.

I hadn't written a triple-minor dance for some time.


Animation Top
1-2Balance the ring
3-4Men cross passing right shoulder, women turn single
5-6Balance the ring
7-8Women cross passing right shoulder, men turn single
9-16Couples waltz anti-clockwise once around each other, ending in current place but in partner's position (back in improper formation)
17-24Circular hey, four changes (two bars per change), starting right hand with partner

The First Noel has a 24 bar repeat and it's a waltz, for something a little different.

Part of the "Christmas Carols" series.

Northern Lights

Animation Top
1-4Part I: With partner, lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Gypsy partner by the left shoulder
9-12With neighbour, face out, forward a double away from the centre of the set and fall back a double
13-16Gypsy neighbour by the right shoulder
17-18In groups of four at each end, right hand star half-way
19-22Middle four left hand star once around; while ends chase to the opposite end, men leading
23-24End fours right hand star half-way
25-28Middle four left hand star once around; while ends chase to the opposite end, men leading
29-30End fours right hand star half-way
31-34Middle four left hand star once around; while ends chase to the opposite end, men leading
35-36End fours right hand star half-way
37-40Middle four left hand star once around; while ends chase to the opposite end, men leading
41-44Part II: Side with partner
45-48Gypsy partner by the left shoulder
49-52Side with neighbour
53-56Gypsy neighbour by the right shoulder
57-60Hey for four along the lines half-way, starting with neighbour by the right shoulder
61-62Circle in fours half-way, swapping lines and facing the opposite direction
63-66Hey for four along the lines half-way, starting with neighbour by the right shoulder
67-68Two-hand turn partner half-way, back to own line
69-72Hey for four along the lines half-way, starting with neighbour by the right shoulder
73-74Circle in fours half-way, swapping lines and facing the opposite direction
75-78Hey for four along the lines half-way, starting with neighbour by the right shoulder
79-80Two-hand turn partner half-way, back to original position
81-84Part III: Arm right with partner
85-88Gypsy partner by the left shoulder
89-92Arm left with neighbour
93-96Gypsy neighbour by the right shoulder; finish 1st and 3rd couples facing down, 2nd and 4th facing up
97-98Dip and dive half-way, 1st and 3rd couples arch over 2nd and 4th couples
99-1004th couple arch over 1st couple; 2nd and 3rd couples two-hand turn partner half-way and face in
101-1022nd and 1st couples arch over 4th and 3rd couples
103-1043rd couple arch over 2nd couple; 1st and 4th couples two-hand turn partner half-way and face in
105-108In groups of four at each end, half rights-and-lefts, starting with neighbour
109-116Dip and dive half-way, 3rd and 1st couples start facing down with an arch; two-hand turn partner half-way when reaching an end
117-120In groups of four at each end, half rights-and-lefts, starting with neighbour
121-124Coda: Gypsy partner by the left shoulder
125-128Gypsy partner by the right shoulder

I had a CD by Väsen, a Swedish group, and thought that one track, 30-Års Jiggen (Thirty Year Jig) would be a great dance piece. The music consists of three repeats of 16 bars and 24 bars, which suggested a Playford style dance. I then used moves similar to The Queen of Sheba to produce the dance.

The name comes from the cover of the Väsen album, Whirled, on which the music appears.

Old Coin

Animation Top
1-21st corners right turn half-way
3-62nd corners join for a right hand star once around
7-81st corners drop out, 2nd corners right turn half-way
9-12Two changes of a circular hey, starting left shoulder with neighbour
13-14With neighbour, left hand turn half-way, finishing with 1st corners facing across the set, 2nd corners facing out of the set
15-161st corners cross the set, 2nd corners cast left, take hands in long lines
17-18Balance in the lines
19-201st corners cast left, 2nd corners cross the set, take hands in long lines
21-22Balance in the lines
23-241st corners cross the set, 2nd corners cast left, take hands in long lines
25-26Balance in the lines
27-281st corners cast left, 2nd corners cross the set

Written for the Florin Dance music, by Mark Knopfler, from The Princess Bride.

Portarlington Panoply

Animation Top
1-4Circle left
5-8Circle right
9-12Pousette anti-clockwise half-way, 1st woman and 2nd man pushing
13-16Continue pousette clockwise half-way with the next couple, 1st man and 2nd woman pushing
17-24With that couple just passed, hey for four, 1st corner positions (1st woman and 2nd man) starting passing left shoulders
25-261st corner positions (1st woman and 2nd man) cross passing right shoulders
27-282nd corner positions (1st man and 2nd woman) cross passing left shoulders
29-30Partners cross passing left shoulders
31-32Cloverleaf turn single, 1st couple turning up, 2nd couple turning down

Shortly I'll be going to Portarlington in Victoria for a day of dance.


Music Animation Top
1-51st corners cross passing right shoulder, cast to the left around partner to home
6-102nd corners cross passing left shoulder, cast to the right around partner to home
11-151st couple lead down between 2nd couple, cast back up to home and cross
16-202nd couple lead up between 1st couple, cast back down to home and cross
21-25Circle left half-way, turn partner two-hands once around

I don't know where the idea came from but I started thinking of a dance in sequences of five bars. The obvious extension was a 25 bar repeat for the dance, leading to the name. And for maximum effect, it should be danced five times through! Now I need to get someone to write the music for it!


Animation Top
1-41s mirror turn neighbour (men right, women left) and cross over
5-82s mirror turn neighbour (2nd man left, 2nd woman right) and cross over
9-12Half a double figure of eight, 1s crossing down, 2s casting up to start
13-14Taking hands along the lines (1s facing in, 2s facing out), balance forward and back
15-161s lead down the middle, 2s move up the outside

Music suggested by Matt Palmer. It deserved its own dance and adds to my series of dances to Christmas carols.


Animation Top
1-4Mirror turns with neighbours, 1st couple going between 2nd couple to start
5-81st couple cross, cast into 2nd place, mirror turn single down to face out; while 2nd couple lead up
9-12Mirror turns with neighbours, 2nd couple going between 1st couple to start
13-162nd couple cross, cast into 2nd place, and meet; while 1st couple lead up
17-20Draw pousette half-way clockwise; 1st man and 2nd woman pulling
21-24Gypsy partner once around; 1st couple finish facing partner, 2nd couple facing out

A Rose for Lynne

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Take hands in the circle, forward a double to the centre and fall back a double
5-8Two-hand turn partner once around
9-12Take hands in the circle, forward a double and fall back a double
13-16Two-hand turn corner once around
17-24Pass partner by the left shoulder (2 bars), gypsy next person by the right (4 bars), pass partner by the left back to place (2 bars)
25-32Pass corner by the right shoulder (2 bars), gypsy next person by the left (4 bars), pass corner by the right back to place (2 bars)
33-36Part II: Side with partner
37-40Two-hand turn partner once around
41-44Side with corner
45-48Two-hand turn corner once aro
49-52Men left hand star half-way around
53-56Men pick up opposite woman in a half-ballroom hold and continue star; when the men reach their home turn as a couple to bring the women into the middle – men moving backwards and the women forwards
57-60Women right hand star half-way around
61-64Women pick up partner and continue star; finishing on the opposite side of the set facing partner
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Two-hand turn partner once around
73-76Arm left with corner
77-80Two-hand turn corner once around
81-82Take lower promenade hold with partner, man turns in place, woman moves inside the set to next woman's position (clockwise)
83-84Take lower promenade hold with new partner (on the "wrong" side), man turns in place, woman moves outside the set to next woman's position (clockwise)
85-88Repeat turns around the men to return women to their partner
89-90Take lower promenade hold with partner, woman turns in place, man moves inside the set to next man's position (anti-clockwise)
91-92Take lower promenade hold with new partner (on the "wrong" side), woman turns in place, man moves outside the set to next man's position (anti-clockwise)
93-96Repeat turns around the women to return men to their partner

Having attended Kathy's birthday, Lynne Cargill, of Dance Kaleidoscope, informed me of her upcoming 60th birthday and mentioned that she didn't like waltzes but did like Roulette and Rose of Rochester. To keep her happy I wrote a dance along the lines of the latter – the name reflects the link to that dance.


Music Animation Top
1-4Part I: All circle left, slip step
5-8Back-to-back with partner, right shoulder
9-12All circle right, slip step
13-16Back-to-back with partner, right shoulder
17-22Men briefly touch right hands (pass right shoulders) through the centre of the set to go clockwise around the directly opposite woman and return to place (again touching right hands/passing right shoulders)
23-28Women briefly touch left hands (pass left shoulders) through the centre of the set to go anti-clockwise around the directly opposite man and return to place (again touching left hands/passing left shoulders)
29-34Men briefly touch left hands (pass left shoulders) through the centre of the set to go anti-clockwise around the directly opposite woman and return to place (again touching left hands/passing left shoulders)
35-40Women briefly touch right hands (pass right shoulders) through the centre of the set to go clockwise around the directly opposite man and return to place (again touching right hands/passing right shoulders)
41-44Part II: Side with partner
45-48Back-to-back with partner, right shoulder
49-56Repeat siding and back-to-back
57-62Clover leaf: Men go clockwise all the way (close in) around their partner then through the set (briefly touching right hands/passing by the right shoulder) to go clockwise around the original opposite woman (half-way)
63-68Then continue back through the set (briefly touching right hands/passing by the right shoulder) to go clockwise all the way (close in) around the third woman (original neighbour) to finish at home
69-74Clover leaf: Women go anti-clockwise all the way around their partner then through the set (briefly touching left hands/passing by the left shoulder) to go anti-clockwise around the original opposite man (half-way)
75-80Then continue back through the set (briefly touching left hands/passing by the left shoulder) to go anti-clockwise all the way around the third man (original neighbour) to finish at home
81-84Part III: Arm right with partner
85-88Back-to-back with partner
89-96Arm left with partner and back-to-back
97-100Men cast around partner to next man's position (anti-clockwise, pulling left shoulder back), balance forward and back (into the centre)
101-108Repeat cast and balance around the next two women, finishing at home
109-112Women cast around partner to next woman's position (clockwise, pulling right shoulder back), balance forward and back (into the centre)
113-120Repeat cast and balance around the next two men, finishing at home
121-124All circle left, slip step
125-128Back-to-back with partner
129-132All circle right, slip step
133-136Back-to-back with partner

A roulette is "the curve described by a point (called the generator or pole) attached to a given curve as it rolls without slipping along a second given curve that is fixed." (Wikipedia) Remember Spirograph?

Note that the B parts in the music are broken into 6 bar phrases and not the normal 4 bar ones.

Experienced dancers should not touch hands when passing each other in the centre of the set. Beginners may want to touch hands to assist in orientation when learning the dance.


Animation Top
1-4Circle left half-way
5-8Back-to-back with opposite
9-12Circle left half-way
13-16Back-to-back with opposite
17-20Gypsy opposite by the right shoulder
21-24Gypsy partner by the left shoulder
25-28With opposite balance forward and back, two-hand turn half-way
29-32Two-hand turn partner once around

This dance was inspired by the tune La Serenissima from Loreena McKennitt's album. The music is slow and flowing so I needed a dance to match. The tune is unusual in that it has a one bar pause after each repeat, which would be omitted if using other music.


Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Partners set and turn single
9-16All that again; finish men facing up, women facing down
17-18Serpentine: 1st man moves up and turns right to come down the middle, followed by the other men; while 3rd woman moves down and turns right to come up the middle, followed by the other women
19-211st man and 3rd woman start a progressive hey, with hands, right hand start, passing all other women/men, others follow and hey in turn
22-241st man and 3rd woman complete their hey and turn left to lead up/down the opposite line; others following, all ending improper in partner's place
25-281st couple and 2nd man left hand star once around; 2nd woman and 3rd couple the same; 2nd couple don't do a full star and end proper facing the other end
29-321st couple and 2nd woman left hand star once around; 2nd man and 3rd couple the same; 2nd couple don't do a full star and end improper again
33-40Repeat Serpentine back again: men moving up and women moving down to start, lines turn left into the middle, 1st man/3rd woman start left hand for the progressive hey, then turn right to come up/down their original lines
41-48Right hand stars top and bottom with 2nd couple joining in (man up, woman down to start), then 2nd couple swaps stars on the improper side, all finishing back in original positions
49-56Part II: Partners side right shoulder (Pat Shaw style) and set and turn single
57-64Partners side left shoulder (Pat Shaw style) and set and turn single
65-80Serpentine: Men up, women down, turn right, start hey right hand, left hand stars
81-96Serpentine back: Men up, women down, turn left, start hey left hand, right hand stars
97-104Part III: Partners arm right and set and turn single
105-112Partners arm left and set and turn single
113-128Serpentine: Men up, women down, turn right, start hey right hand, left hand stars
129-144Serpentine back: Men up, women down, turn left, start hey left hand, right hand stars

The progressive hey derives from Dargason which I had been looking at, whereas I wanted to fit it into a three couple longways formation. The stars allow the hey to flow forwards and backwards. The name comes from the 'S' shape of the hey.


Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Set and turn single
9-16All that again
17-32Women face down and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 3,1,2
33-48Men face up and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 2,3,1
49-52Part II: Side with partner, right shoulder
53-56Set and turn single
57-60Side with partner, left shoulder
61-64Set and turn single
65-80Women face down and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 2,3,1
81-96Men face up and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 3,1,2
97-100Part III: Arm right with partner
101-104Set and turn single
105-108Arm left with partner
109-112Set and turn single
113-128Women face down and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 1,2,3
129-144Men face up and dance 2/3 of a sheepskin hey to finish in the order 1,2,3

After reviewing The Viking's Sheepskin, I thought I could use the partial sheepskin hey in my own dance. By reversing the orientation of one of the heys, the dancers meet a new partner for each part of the dance.

To dance the 2/3 Sheepskin Hey: the third woman leads the other two women across and below the third man and weaves between the men and round the top man as if dancing an extended 'figure-of-eight' around the three men. When the first woman reaches the middle man she goes all the way round him and takes the lead, continuing the weaving down round the bottom man and back up the line of men again, and so on. When the second woman takes the lead she dances behind the top man and back down her own line to finish in the order 3,1,2.

Sheree's Souvenir

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lines of three go forward a double and fall back a double
5-8Two-hand turn partner once around
9-12Lines of three fall back a double and come forward a double
13-16Two-hand turn partner once around
17-20Chorus: 1st couple lead down the centre, while the others dance up the outside of the set and follow them down
21-241st couple separate and dance up the outside of the set, others follow, all back to place (3rd couple should remain facing out)
25-32Four winds: 1st and 3rd couples dance a double figure of eight (skipping) around second couple (who stand still), starting with 1st couple crossing down and 3rd couple casting up
33-341st and 2nd couples right hands-across half-way
35-361st and 3rd couples left hands-across half-way (ending with 1st couple proper at the bottom, 2nd and 3rd couples improper above)
37-401st couple dance up the outside of the set to first place to face each other, the others step down and finish facing neighbour
41-44Four changes of a circular hey, with hands (one bar per change); finishing proper ordered 2, 3, 1
45-48All face partner, set moving forward and turn single back to place
49-52Part II: Side into line right shoulder with partner
53-56Gypsy partner right once around
57-60Side into line left shoulder with partner
61-64Gypsy partner left once around
65-96Repeat chorus
97-100Part III: Arm right with partner
101-104Back-to-back partner right shoulder
105-108Arm left with partner
109-112Back-to-back partner left shoulder
113-144Repeat chorus

For Sheree Greenhill's 60th birthday. Sheree guides Dance Kaleidoscope in its dancing endeavours.

I like the "four winds" movement from Pat Shaw's dance of the same name and wanted to use that in one of my dances.

If the circular hey feels too rushed, drop the last four bars and use two bars for each change.

Square and True

Animation Top
1-4Part I: All circle left
5-8Back-to-back partner
9-12All circle right
13-16Back-to-back partner
17-18Grand square: Heads advance, sides separate
19-20Heads retire to the side with opposite, sides meet opposite in head positions
21-22New heads advance, new sides separate
23-24Heads meet partner at home, sides retire to home
25-32Reverse the square: Sides advance, heads separate ...
33-36Part II: Side with partner
37-40Back-to-back partner
41-44Side with partner
45-48Back-to-back partner
49-50Grand square with turns: Heads advance to take two hands with opposite, sides separate
51-52Heads two-hand turn opposite half-way as they move out to the side, sides meet opposite and take two hands
53-54Sides (in head positions) two-hand turn opposite half-way as they move into the centre, heads (in opposite side positions) separate
55-56Heads meet partner on opposite from home, sides retire with partner to opposite from home
57-64Reverse the square: Sides advance, heads separate ... – turn half-way when meeting your opposite
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Back-to-back partner
73-76Arm left with partner
77-80Back-to-back partner; men finish facing their partner, while women finish facing the centre
81-82Offset grand square: Women advance to centre, men back away from partner
83-84Men advance along the side, women retire to the side
85-86Men advance from the side into the centre, women retire along the side
87-88Men retire to home, women advance to home along the side (now facing their partner's side)
89-96Reverse the square: Men advance, women back away ...

A building is square when all angles are right angles, and it is true when surfaces are perfectly horizontal or vertical.

Summer Garden

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Back-to-back with partner
9-16Repeat doubles and back-to-back
17-18Body: Top two women cross diagonally with bottom two men, passing left shoulder
19-20Top two men's positions cross diagonally with bottom two women's positions, passing right shoulder
21-26All circle left half-way, then in side lines cast (men's side at the top led by 1st woman, women's side at the bottom led by 3rd man) and follow to invert that line
27-28Top two women's positions cross diagonally with bottom two men's positions, passing left shoulder
29-30Top two men's positions cross diagonally with bottom two women's positions, passing right shoulder
31-36All circle left half-way, then in side lines cast (men's side at the top led by 3rd man, women's side at the bottom led by 1st woman) and follow to invert that line; all finishing in original places
37-40Part II: Side with partner
41-44Two-hand turn partner once around
45-52Repeat siding and two-hand turn
53-72Repeat body
73-76Part III: Arm right with partner
77-80Gypsy partner right shoulder
81-84Arm left with partner
85-88Gypsy partner left shoulder
89-108Repeat body

An alternative dance for the All in a Garden Green music. I was still thinking about this music and experimenting with other movements that use six bar phrases. A half circle and cast to invert fitted nicely. When matched with a crossing movement it provided a combination of simple moves that apparently mixed the set up, but then undid it all again.

Taith o Cymru (Welsh Tour)

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Two-hand turn partner once around
9-12Lead down a double and fall back a double
13-16Two-hand turn partner once around
17-202nd man gatepost turn (always using left arm) around 1st man (anti-clockwise, going up between the 1st couple to start), 2nd woman the same around 3rd woman (going down between the 3rd couple to start)
21-242nd couple cross passing right shoulder; 2nd man gatepost turn around 1st woman (anti-clockwise, going out between the 1st and 3rd women to start, passing partner right shoulder), 2nd woman the same around 3rd man
25-282nd couple cross passing right shoulder; 2nd man gatepost turn around 3rd woman (anti-clockwise, going out between the 3rd couple to start), 2nd woman the same around 1st man
29-322nd couple cross passing right shoulder; 2nd man gatepost turn around 3rd man (anti-clockwise, going out between the 1st and 3rd men to start), 2nd woman the same around 1st woman
33-40Mirror sideways heys, 1st couple move in front of 2nd couple to start; 2nd couple cross at the top with man behind and complete the hey on the opposite side
41-48Repeat mirror heys, with 2nd couple crossing back at the top with man on the outside
49-52Part II: Side with partner (Pat Shaw style meeting right shoulder)
53-56Gypsy partner by the right shoulder
57-64Repeat siding and gypsy but with left shoulders
65-66Lines of three advance
67-681st and 3rd couples retire to place, turning to face up/down when home; while 2nd couple 1/4 two-hand turn to the left and retire between other couples to form top/bottom lines
69-72Repeat advance and retire to form side lines (2nd couple improper)
73-76Repeat advance and retire to form top/bottom lines
77-80Repeat advance and retire to get home
81-841st couple cross down between opposite 2s and 3s to start mirror heys for three
85-883rd couple cross at the top to continue hey
89-96Repeat mirror heys with 1s and 3s crossing back at the top
97-100Part III: Arm right with partner
101-104Back-to-back with partner (right shoulder)
105-108Arm left with partner
109-112Back-to-back with partner (left shoulder)
113-1162nd man circle left once around with 1st couple, 2nd woman circle left once around with 3rd couple; 2nd man and woman only circle 3/4 and finish in partner's place facing in but slightly back from the centre
117-1202nd man circle left once around with 1st and 3rd women; while 2nd woman circle left once around with 1st and 3rd men
121-128Repeat circles with 2nd couple progressing around the set to home
129-144Dip and dive, 2nd couple face up to start, middles forming the arch, change sides at the top only with woman twirling under the man's arm (1st couple change sides to start), turn individually at the bottom

The husband of one of the Dance Kaleidoscope group, Mansell (Taffy) Thomas, was celebrating his 85th birthday. As his heritage was Welsh, it seemed fitting to write another Welsh style dance. The name comes from the second figure in each part of the dance wherein the second couple travel around the set dancing with each of the others in turn. Unfortunately Taffy doesn't dance any more.

Each of the three parts consists of three sections. The first is the Playford doubling, siding, and arming. The second is the "tour". And the last is a hey with a crossing.

Taking a Turn

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and fall back a double
5-8Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
9-12Lead down a double and fall back a double
13-16Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
17-18Body: 1st and 4th couples turn two-hands half-way and face in, 2nd and 3rd couples cross passing partner right shoulder
19-201st and 4th couples advance towards each other, 2nd and 3rd couples continue out with opposite to form a longways set across the hall
21-221st and 4th couples cross passing opposite right shoulder, 2nd and 3rd couples turn two-hands half-way with opposite and face in
23-241st and 4th couples continue out with partner to form a square set, 2nd and 3rd couples turn single
25-281st and 4th couples cast away from partner and bring opposite through side arches
29-321st and 4th couples circle hands-four once around and retire to place in the square
33-362nd and 3rd couples cast away from opposite and bring partner through top/bottom arches
37-402nd and 3rd couples circle hands-four once around and stay in the centre, forming a longways set again
41-421st and 4th couples turn two-hands half-way and face in, 2nd and 3rd couples cross passing partner right shoulder
43-441st and 4th couples advance towards each other, 2nd and 3rd couples continue out with opposite to form a longways set across the hall
45-461st and 4th couples cross passing opposite right shoulder, 2nd and 3rd couples turn two-hands half-way with opposite and face in
47-481st and 4th couples continue out with partner to form a longways set up and down the hall, 2nd and 3rd couples advance towards their partner
49-52Part II: Side with partner
53-56Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
57-60Side with partner
61-64Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
65-96Repeat body
97-100Part III: Arm right with partner
101-104Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
105-108Arm left with partner
109-112Hands-four circle left half-way, turn single to the left
113-144Repeat body

A new CD of Tudor music provided inspiration for this dance, with a 48 bar repeat providing scope for more interesting movements. The name of the dance comes from the translation of the original tune La VoltaThe Turn in Italian.

Tea with Fran

Animation Top
1-4Left hand star once around
5-8Left hand turn partner once around
9-12Half hey for four, starting with 1st corners passing left shoulder, 2nd corners cast out
13-16Single file clockwise half-way
17-181st corners cross passing right shoulder
19-20Left hand turn partner half-way
21-24Half hey for four starting 1st man/2nd woman passing right shoulders
25-282nd corners (1st woman and 2nd man) orbit anti-clockwise half-way, all finishing in progressed positions
29-32Left hand turn neighbour (along the line) once around, finish facing away from them

For Fran Thomas' 80th birthday.

The right hand is never needed, allowing it to be used to carry your cup of tea.

Terry's Trifle

Animation Top
1-4Part I: Hands six, circle left, slip step
5-8Back-to-back with partner
9-12Circle right, slip step
13-16Back-to-back with partner
17-241st couple with opposites (2nd man and 3rd woman) double figure of eight, women crossing (1st couple have priority) and men casting to start
25-322nd couple with opposites (3rd man and 1st woman) double figure of eight, women crossing (2nd couple have priority) and men casting to start
33-403rd couple with opposites (1st man and 2nd woman) double figure of eight, women crossing (3rd couple have priority) and men casting to start
41-44Left turn partner once around
45-48Right turn corner once around
49-52Part II: Side with partner
53-56Back-to-back with partner
57-64Repeat siding and back-to-back
65-722nd couple and opposites double figure of eight
73-803rd couple and opposites double figure of eight
81-881st couple and opposites double figure of eight
89-92Left turn partner once around
93-96Part III: Right turn corner once around
97-100Arm right with partner
101-104Back-to-back with partner
105-108Arm left with partner
109-112Back-to-back with partner
113-1203rd couple and opposites double figure of eight
121-1281st couple and opposites double figure of eight
129-1362nd couple and opposites double figure of eight
137-140Left turn partner once around
141-144Right turn corner once around

For Terry Robert's 70th birthday.


Animation Top
1-4Part I: Hands-six circle left, slip step
5-8Back-to-back partner, right shoulder
9-12Hands-six circle right, side slip
13-16Back-to-back partner, left shoulder
17-18Body: Women cross the set through the middle, passing in front of neighbour, and anti-clockwise around opposite man (who moves in) to finish outside him, both facing anti-clockwise
19-20Taking inside hands, promenade and turn to face into the circle
21-24Women right hand star once around to come out on the left of their current partner
25-28Left hand turn current partner once around
29-30Men cross the set through the middle, passing in front of neighbour, and anti-clockwise around opposite woman (original partner, who moves in) to finish outside her, both facing anti-clockwise
31-32Taking inside hands (men on the outside), promenade and turn to face into the circle
33-36Men right hand star once around to come out on the left of their partner
37-40Left hand turn original partner once around
41-44Part II: Side with partner (Pat Shaw style, right shoulder)
45-48Back-to-back partner, right shoulder
49-52Side with partner (Pat Shaw style, left shoulder)
53-56Back-to-back partner, left shoulder
57-80Repeat body
81-84Part III: Arm right with partner
85-88Back-to-back partner, right shoulder
89-92Arm left with partner
93-96Back-to-back partner, left shoulder
97-120Repeat body
121-124Coda: Hands-six circle left, slip step
125-128Back-to-back partner, right shoulder
129-132Hands-six circle right, side slip
133-136Back-to-back partner, left shoulder

I wanted to write another circle dance and was looking for a different move to incorporate into it. I came up with the cross and promenade. Given the three-fold nature of the dance, "Trefoil" seemed an appropriate name.


Animation Top
1-4Part I: Lead up a double and back
5-8All cross with partner moving up, then follow 1st couple to cast down and invert the lines on the opposite side
9-12Lead down a double and back
13-16All cross with partner moving down, then follow 1st couple to cast up and invert the lines, returning to place
17-20Top two men and top woman circle left once around, while bottom man and bottom two women star right once around
21-24All circle left half-way
25-28New top two women and new top man circle left once around, while others star right once around
29-32All circle left half-way
33-36Part II: Side into line right shoulder with partner
37-40Cross up and cast down as in Part I
41-44Side into line left shoulder with partner
45-48Cross down and cast up as in Part I
49-52Men form arches and lead forward a double and back, while women back-to-back partner right shoulder (under the arches as necessary)
53-56All circle left half-way
57-60Women form arches and lead forward a double and back, while men back-to-back partner right shoulder (under the arches as necessary)
61-64All circle left half-way
65-68Part III: Arm right with partner
69-72Cross up and cast down as in Part I
73-76Arm left with partner
77-80Cross down and cast up as in Part I
81-84Men join hands and cast from the top to invert the line, while women hey for three half-way, starting left shoulder at the top
85-88All circle left half-way
89-92Women join hands and cast from the top to invert the line, while men hey for three half-way, starting left shoulder at the top
93-96All circle left half-way

For Vic Blake, a long time dancer with Dance Kaleidoscope and a generous host.

The first section of each part makes a "V" when crossing to cast. The second section of each part reflects the Morse code for V (···—), i.e. three individuals vs a line of three.


Animation Top
1-41st couple lead down between the 2nd couple and cast back to place
5-82nd couple lead up between the 1st couple and cast back to place
9-12Follow single file clockwise once around
132nd corners cross, passing right shoulder
141st corners cross, passing right shoulder
15-16Partners gypsy half-way by the right shoulder

Good King Wenceslas has a 16 bar repeat, indicating a longways set with a progression. The line "In his master's steps he trod" suggested a single file follow-the-leader move so this features in the dance.

Because of the drawn-out last bar of each repeat, the dancers should pause before the next sequence. They may honour their partner during this time.

Part of the "Christmas Carols" series.

While the Sun Shines

Animation Top
1-8Part I: In lines along the sides, in a double and fall back a double twice
9-121st and 2nd couples, half rights-and-lefts (starting with partner, no hands), while 3rd couple set and turn single
13-201st and 3rd couples, full rights-and-lefts, while 2nd couple set and turn single twice
21-241st and 2nd couples, half rights-and-lefts, while 3rd couple set and turn single
25-26Top two couples circle left half-way
27-28The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
29-30Bottom two couples circle left half-way
31-32The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
33-56Repeat rights-and-lefts and turns with 2nd couple leading
57-80Repeat rights-and-lefts and turns with 3rd couple leading, ending in original positions
81-88Part II: Partners side twice; finish with 1st couple facing partner, 2nd couple facing down, and 3rd couple facing up
89-94Circular hey for six (i.e. grand chain) all the way around, skipping (no hands, one bar per change)
95-96Turn the facing person by the right hand half-way
97-102Circular hey back the other way to position
103-104Turn the facing person by the right hand half-way
105-106Top two couples circle left half-way
107-108The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
109-110Bottom two couples circle left half-way
111-112The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
113-136Repeat heys and turns with 2nd couple leading
137-160Repeat heys and turns with 3rd couple leading, ending in original positions
161-164Part III: Partners arm right
165-168Partners arm left
169-172Mirror staggered hey for three on the sides: 1st couple only start, moving outside 2nd couple
173-1762nd couple start, following 1st couple's path
177-1803rd couple start, following 2nd couple's path; 1st couple have finished
181-1843rd couple complete; 2nd couple have finished
185-186Top two couples circle left half-way
187-188The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
189-190Bottom two couples circle left half-way
191-192The same couples two-hand turn partner half-way
193-216Repeat hey and turns with 2nd couple leading
217-240Repeat hey and turns with 3rd couple leading

I enjoy dancing Whirligig and wondered whether I could use the same pattern but with different figures. This is the result. It is danced to the same music.

The name comes from the fact that the main figures are all heys ("make hay ..."). The staggered hey had been in the back of my mind for some time, just waiting for the right dance to add it to.