Inside the JBuilder OpenTools API
Chapter 14 - Project Pane and Content Pane

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The XMLTools example works with a couple of the JBuilder OpenTools APIs. It adds items to the menus in the Project and Editor Panes that let you validate an XML document, open its external DTD or XML Schema files, or open its XSL stylesheet. The tool also adds a new viewer for XML documents to apply XSLT stylesheets to them. To keep track of which XML validation and XSL transformation engines to use, the tool makes use of global properties.

Zipped Files

XMLTools.jpx   The project file for this tool
XMLTools.html Project notes
classes.opentools The OpenTools manifest Common routines used by the other classes The property group for the XML global properties The custom page for editing the properties grouped above The ActionGroup for the various XML-based menu items The Validate XML popup menu item A base class for the file-open popup menu items The Open DTD/Schema popup menu item The Open Stylesheet popup menu item An interface for interacting with an XML validation engine An implementation of XMLValidator for JAXP An implementation of XMLValidator for Xerces v2 An interface for interacting with an XSL transformation engine An implementation of XSLTransformer for Xalan v1.0 An implementation of XSLTransformer for SAXON v5.5.1 An implementation of XSLTransformer for SAXON v6.5.3 A factory to create node viewers for applying XSL to XML documents The actual XSLT viewer The UI for the XSLT viewer
*.html The files that make up the documentation
XMLTools.jar The packaged tool
XMLToolsDoc.jar The packaged documentation

The TabProps example adds items to the popup menu on the Content Pane tabs.

  • Toggle tab orientation swaps the tab positions between the top and right-hand side of the pane.
  • Set label type brings up a sub-menu to let you select what is displayed on the tabs: file name, short file name, icon and short file name, or just icon.
  • Set insertion position brings up a sub-menu to let you choose where new tabs are inserted: in alphabetic order, in display order, at the start, to the left of current, to the right of current, or at the end.
  • Multiple rows of tabs toggles between multiple tiers of tabs or a single tier that scrolls (only available in JBuilder 8 and up).

Zipped Files

TabProps.jpx   The project file for this tool
TabProps.html Project notes
classes.opentools The OpenTools manifest Add items to the Content Pane popup menu
TabProps.jar The packaged tool
Inside the JBuilder OpenTools API © 2004, Keith Wood Previous   Next   Listings