Inside the JBuilder OpenTools API
Chapter 23 - Wizards

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The ToolBars example provides a way of configuring the main toolbar in JBuilder. You can add, remove, regroup, and rearrange the buttons on that toolbar through this tool. The standard JBuilder actions are automatically available, and you can add any third-party actions that you have access to.

Zipped Files

ToolBars.jpx   The project file for this tool
ToolBars.html Documentation for the tool
classes.opentools The OpenTools manifest The list of available actions grouped by category The global properties that track the toolbar contents The wizard action and wizard that invoke the manager dialog The UI for the wizard The popup dialog for adding new actions
images/*.gif Images for use on the toolbar
ToolBars.jar The packaged tool
ToolBarsDoc.jar The packaged documentation

The JSPTagWizards example illustrates how to create wizards in JBuilder, and how to make use of the Java Object Toolkit to parse and generate Java files.

Zipped Files

JSPTagWizards.jpx   The project file for this tool
JSPTagWizards.html Project notes
classes.opentools The OpenTools manifest The wizard that generates a new class that implements the JSP Tag interface, with functionality selected by the user The first page for the above wizard The wizard that scans a project for classes implementing the JSP Tag interface, extracts their details, and generates a tag library descriptor file from them, after any modification by the user
TaglibDescriptorWizardPage*.java The pages for the above wizard
*.java Supporting code for this tool
*.html Documentation source for this tool
JSPTagWizards.jar The packaged tool
JSPTagWizardsDoc.jar The packaged documentation

The JBImages tool lets you view the large images (over 10K) that come with JBuilder and that you may want to use in your wizards. It is invoked through the JBuilder images entry on the Help menu.

Zipped Files

JBImages.jpx   The project file for this tool
JBImages.html Documentation for the tool
classes.opentools The OpenTools manifest The code for this tool
JBImages.jar The packaged tool
Inside the JBuilder OpenTools API © 2004, Keith Wood Previous   Next   Listings