BrowserExplorer.jpx | |
The project file for this tool |
BrowserExplorer.html | |
Project notes |
classes.opentools | |
The OpenTools manifest | | |
This class adds a Browser Info entry to the
Tools menu. When clicked it prints to standard output lots of details
derived from the Browser class. | | |
This class enhances the caption of each JBuilder browser
window to include a number indicating which browser instance it is. The
number follows the "JBuilder n" version prefix, separated from it by a
colon (:). It uses the BrowserListener interface to do this. | | |
This class is activated by adding a -browsertrace option
to the JBuilder command-line. It then prints to standard output the occurrence
of and parameters for each BrowserListener method called. |
BrowserExplorer.jar | |
The packaged tool |